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Your Guide to Buying a Home

Owning a home is at the pinnacle of the American Dream and it is easy to see why. It provides security and stability while checking a box off your life to-do list. For many, owning a home is a sign of success and a way to show how hard they have worked. Yes, owning a home is a wonderful thing, but it is also a big responsibility. Oftentimes people don’t realize how big of a responsibility it can be and end up with more than they can handle, especially financially.

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River Valley Injects More Than $1,000,000 Into Local Economy

With thousands of people in the Miami Valley out of work or with reduced hours, River Valley Credit Union is helping members to keep more money in your accounts.

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How to Keep Your Stimulus Money Safe From Scammers

Everyone is looking forward to getting their coronavirus stimulus checks, and so are the scammers. Unfortunately, fraudsters are always trying to get their hands on your money, especially during a pandemic. At River Valley, we are here to help. Our Fraud Specialist has outlined some information below to help keep you and your money safe.

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Credit Unions Vs Banks: What is the Difference?

What is the difference between a credit union and a bank? We in the credit union movement get that question all the time. The truth is, not much, at least on the surface. We appear to be very similar. Both offer savings products, loan products, checking accounts, etc. We both deliver those services through various channels such as a branch network, mobile network, auto dealership networks, ATM’s and such. Banks typically are larger with more branches and more customers.

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COVID-19 Scam Resource Page

Unfortunately during times of crisis, people often times try to take advantage of one another. Scammers are trying their hardest to profit off the uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic. We decided it would be best to create a running list of all the fraud topics we received pertaining to the virus so our members have the knowledge to protect themselves and their loved ones. Be sure to check back often!

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Tips to Avoid IRS Scams

Tax season is just around the corner and everybody has to pay taxes! However, if you pay attention to this information, you can avoid falling for a scam!

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