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Tips to Avoid IRS Scams

Tax season is just around the corner and everybody has to pay taxes!  However, if you pay attention to this information, you can avoid falling for a scam!

·         The IRS will normally mail you information regarding delinquent taxes.  If they fail to hear from you after sending you mail, they might call you.

·         HOWEVER, they will never demand immediate payment, nor will they threaten to call the police if you don’t pay them immediately.

So what should you do?

·         If someone calls and says they are from the IRS, hang up the phone immediately.

·         You can forward unsolicited emails about taxes to NEVER click on links!

·         Consider freezing your credit or putting a fraud alert on your Social Security Number at the credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax, Experian) if someone calls pretending to be from the IRS and they claim they have your social security number.

·         If someone knocks on your door in person from the IRS, they should present 2 forms of ID – a badge and another US Government ID.

And the don’ts?

·         Do not provide or confirm any of your personal information over the phone.

·         Do not respond to emails or texts asking for this information – the IRS will not text you or email you and ask for your information in this manner.

·         Never pay an alleged tax bill with a prepaid debit card or wire transfer.  Once this information is provided to a scammer, it is difficult, if not impossible, to get the money back.

·         Never agree to pay your taxes over the phone with your debit card or credit card – the IRS does not do these types of payments.

·         Don’t believe it is the IRS just because caller ID says so.  Caller ID’s can be spoofed.

·         Don’t be bullied.  The fraudsters may try to threaten and intimidate you into paying immediately.  However, if you have past due taxes, the IRS will send you a bill.  If you don’t think you owe the taxes, you can appeal the bill or question the bill.  There will be a number for you to contact the IRS on that correspondence.

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